Term 4, Week 1

Welcome back to Term 4. It is hard to believe the children are almost finished Year One! We hope everyone has had a restful time during the holidays and are ready to get back into a wonderful term of learning.

Homework for Term 4 consists of:

  • daily reading
  • sight words
  • topic talks
  • mathletics

Each week the teachers observe the children when they present their topic talk and provide the students with on the spot feedback. Encouraging speaking in front of an audience at a young age helps to build their communication skills and self esteem.

Excursion- Friday Week 4

Year One have their excursion in Week 4. We will be visiting Rouse Hill Farm House. This Stage 1 History program gives students the opportunity to explore the working areas of the former farm, and investigate what life would have been like for children living there in the late 1800s. Students will also be given the opportunity to learn first hand about what school life was like in the late 19th century. Permission notes will be sent home shortly.


Mrs Jeffriess will be away for the first three weeks due to personal reasons. Miss Sherlock will be in 1B for week 1 and Mrs Prasnicki will have the students for Weeks 2 & 3. Mrs Jeffriess will not be available to contact via email during this time.

ICAS Award Presentation

We extend an invitation to the parents of the recipients of the ICAS Awards noted in the newsletter, to join us for the presentation of certificates at the assembly in Week 2 of Term 4 which will be held on Monday 16 October at 11.20am. This will only take approximately 20 minutes.

Holiday Readers

If your child received a holiday reading pack at the end of the term, we ask that it be returned this week. The cost to replace the books are $30.00 if unreturned.


As of Term 4, all children will wear full summer uniform.

A reminder to all students, particularly as the weather is warming up, here at OLOR, the policy is NO HAT NO PLAY. Students must remember to have their school hat in their bags every day. If you have lost your hat, you may wear a generic cap from home for the week until you can purchase another one from the Uniform Shop on the Wednesday. We have a small number of spare hats held in the office which seem to always go missing . In future, students without a hat will remain in the library for play times.

Library and Sport will resume on Tuesday

Rosary Beads

October if the month of the Holy Rosary. Students are invited to bring their Rosary beads to school during Week 1, as we will be using these to pray the Rosary.

Glue sticks supplies

We are in need of more glue sticks for use in the classroom. Could you please send 2 glue sticks to school at a time of your convenience. Thank you in advance.

OLOR Liturgy

You are invited to celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary. Friday 13th October at 9:15am in the new hall. You may wish to view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IvhoSNf6Ls

World Mission Month – Crazy Sock Day

October is World Mission Month and we are called on a Mission to raise awareness of people in other countries who are not as fortunate as we are.

On Friday 20th October, Term 4 Week 2, OLOR students are invited to wear their craziest socks on our Crazy Sock Day. Students are to donate a gold coin to participate in Crazy Sock Day.

You may wish to view https://www.cm.org.au/WMM2017/primary.html

Socktober is an initiative of Catholic Mission which aims to ‘sock it to poverty’ to help some of the most needy and vulnerable children in the world have better opportunities in life and a hope-filled future. Locally and globally, Catholic Mission answer the call to love God and to love others. Socktober is just one way that our school can fundraise and engage in advocacy and mission activities for Catholic Mission during World Mission Month in October.

You may wish to view this with your children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsD9ewFGTJk&t=5s

1W Morning Prayer

Children in 1W are invited to write a prayer at home to be shared during our daily morning Prayer time. Each day children have the opportunity to volunteer to share their prayer with the class. This is not compulsory but optional.

Important Dates

  • Monday, 9th October – First Day of Term 4
  • Friday, 13th October – OLOR Day Liturgy, 9:15am, Hall
  • Friday, 20th October – Crazy Sock Day- fundraiser for Catholic Mission (see newsletter for details – gold coin and crazy socks)
  • Monday, 13th November – Remembrance Day Liturgy
  • Friday, 15th December 9:15am – End of Year Mass

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